Friday, March 20, 2009


"Natural abilities are like natural plants;they need prunning by study" -Francis Bacon.

Today,we shall be doing some self-examinations.Only then can we be trully ready to set goals.To succeed in life,one first has to succeed in being one-self.

Men who control megafortunes know what they want and pursue it.

Sit down witha pen and paper.Ask youself some salient questions:

Q:What do I really want out of life?

Q:What are my heart's desires?

Q:What would I do IF I knewI could not fail?

Q:What would I do that I knew could NEVER Fail?

Q: What are my Strenghts & Weaknesses?(we shall be discusing S.W.O.T Analysis later on)

In providing honest answers to these questions,you will discover yourself!

YOU are Basically a 4 in 1 Person:

* You have YOUR PRIVATE LIFE - How you see yourself.Who you think you are.

* You have YOUR PUBLIC LIFE - How the public see you.Who the people think you are.

* You have YOUR ACTUAL LIFE - How you really are.RIGHT NOW!THIS IS YOUR FILE!

* You have YOUR IDEAL LIFE - How you should be.This is your DESTINED SELF.

Find yourself and be yourself:Live your own Life!In setting Goals - Go for the Ultimate you!The IDEAL You;because that is who you are created to be!

Only the man who has found his true self can know himself,find his own best talents and achieve his high success.

You may also want to take the SWOT ANALYSIS before you attempt to set goals foryourself.

S = Strenght.What things are you GOOD at?What Motivates you?What do you Enjoy doing?

W = Weaknesses.What are the things you are neither excited at or proficient at doing?

O = Opportunity.Develop a gift for discernment.Discover a need in your community and fill it.

T = Threat.Attitude comes in here.Your mindset matters.What you consider a threat can be an opportunity for the next man.What you can properly classify as threat is what your faith cannot carry.Dont carry a load that your faith cannot carry(if you dont have a strong heart,you cannot be your own boss).

Invest some time in yourself today.Do some serious Self Examination.Next time you shall be better prepared to set those lofty goals..................

"A man who qualifies himself well for his calling Never Fails of his employment." - Thomas Jefferson.

Success is when Opportunity meets Preparation.

To the actualizationof your Success Dreams,


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